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Young Learner Courses at Schools


Our young learners courses are designed to teach speaking, listening, writing, reading and grammar to children from 2 to 17 years old.


Our courses are designed on the principle that learning should be enjoyable and interesting. We place emphasis on a strong relationship between the school community and our team of teachers.


The way we work:

  • Needs Analysis: The Language Academy works with the school community/parents association to identify the various appropriate learning aims whether extracurricular or curricular language classes.

  • The Learning Contract: Groups are organized according to age and a timetable is proposed. Classes can take place once or twice a week. Yearly learning objectives within the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) are communicated to the parents and the school community to ensure links across the curriculum.

  • Development: Classes are dynamic, fun and child-centred. Our teaching materials are selected with care. Our teachers carry out regular tests to check progress and termly reports are sent home. We also encourage our students’ parents to involve themselves in their children’s learning by helping with homework and carrying out home projects.
    There is a strong rapport between our team and the school community. We invite parents to participate in the classes (open classes) and all our teachers as well as our students participate in Christmas events and end of year events with a performance in the target language.

  • Quality Control: Regular meetings, class observations and on-going training are held on a regular basis.


Languages Available:

We currently offer various language courses for young learners and teens in English, Spanish, German and Mandarin.


Place of Study:

These courses can take place at your school, home or at our teaching premises.



Key costumers:

Centro Helen Keller

Jardim Infantil Santo Amaro

Jardim Infantl Pestalozzi

Infantário Popular Ribeiro dos Santos

Jardim Infantil O Sonho dos Pestinhas

Centro Social Menino de Deus

Escola Básica da Quinta Grande, Alfragide, Amadora

Jardim de Infância O nosso Miminho

Amongst others [check our privacy policy]



Corporate Training

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